Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Momentum = mu + mV = 0

Readers, today we will learn about physics a bit. And on how it can relate with my life. It's on momentum. The formula stated above is the formula for explosion. It is on how the initial momentum plus the final momentum will equal to zero. The relation of this formula with my life is that in the preparation for a competition or almost everything that relates to me. In this case, the most recent one is the Prime Ministers Trophy ( or other people would call it HKSBP which sounds so lame) . We (me, Shahir, Adam ... & mia) were assigned the job to debate for this tournament. So, the initial momentum was just okay for a newly born team. Then, we were drilled with much training. As Abg. Raf (THE coach) says it, we were pushed to the wall. It's almost seemed to me that the coaches came almost every week. We build the momentum every week, every minute, every second. (Maybe a bit exaggerating, but you'll get the picture) So, at the competition, the momentum should have been quite high due to the initial plus the final momentum would be high. We firstly fought against SEMESTA and the motion was advertisement is a bane to the society. It was quite scary to debate at that time because it was the first debate. Plus with the hot weather, we were sweating like on the way to hell. Then, the motion was ACCEPTED which means we won. Obviously. Then , it was the debate between the Maroon 3 versus the Green Ladies due to we wore maroon blazers and they, the STF, wore green blazers( for the readers information, green lady is a myth told by people about a lady ghost who glows in green color, & she tries to find her lost child). The motion was the advance in science & tech helps in improving humans’ health. The motion was obviously true which was on our side, and I believe that we did well, better that the first debate, but the judges said otherwise, we LOST. Although the crowd said otherwise (the ones I knew and a few other students from?????? Said that we should have won, maybe the professional judge saw something wrong.) Then, it was the last debate in the preliminary round, against SMSS. The motion was 'open house' practice in Malaysia should be encouraged. The judge was multicultural i think (one of the judges was either a Malay or an Indian) and it suits the theme for the debate. In our group, SMSS was the only team who won both of the previous debate, so, they were considered good. But, when they debated against us, I think we were better, and we won. Their faces were all ready for the defeat.haha. So, it was a tie between 3 schools in our group which was STF, MCKK and SMSS because all of us won 2 debates. Unfortunately, we did not get to represent our group, it was the lucky STF. So, our journey ended there. It was neither a lost nor a win for me because we won, 2, but we did not make it. All of these, equals to Zero which proves the formula mu + mV = 0. But there is something else behind this formula. The thing that explodes will end up having more momentum after Zero phrase. Thus, meaning we do get something out of it. we got knowledge, fun, add more velocity to the momentum meaning we are better, a lot i must say and all the things I’ve stated in my previous post ( the world of Db8 ) . And the formulae that we will use next is the conservation of momentum, mu + mV = mu + mV. Which means the result of the total momentum will be the same as the total momentum. In this case , we will work harder and build more momentum. And win the trophy next year, our last year, and hope after the explosion phase is over, we will get the end product of our efforts. This is just a post to express my memory, a history to be remembered, where we fail, but we will stand up and fight again till the end. Sorry because there is not much of a inspiring things in this post as my previous post (well, i like to think it that way)

Thanks to ADAM , SHAHIR and not forgetting MIA
Thanks to Abg. Raf, Abg. eD, Abg. Rashad,Abg.Fendy Abg. Fido, Abg. Zuli , Puan Sharifah ninti Syed Zainol Khodki ( miss Sherry), And All of you who helped directly or indirectly. May god bless you all.

to be updated.....

The Direct & InDirect Winning

our goal or our target in everything is of course to win or to be successful. But winning is not necessarily being the best or number one. Although being the best among the best is the best thing you’ll get, you can still be winning in a way which is indirect. Let me illustrate it in a form of examples which happens to me these few months. This happened a few weeks ago during the KPKM election or Student Union. I fought with this guy who represents the pure n good guys. I was neither good nor bad. A middle person is the term for me. . He proclaims that he will fight the evil with his pure heart (although he has darkness in him, e.g.: he steals, he still breaks rules and such, not to bad mouthing (writing) about him, but the fact is, no one is pure or good enough to talk bad things about people and claiming that you are good) He had the back up from the “Head Prefect” who in a way campaigned for him which is against the rules. I played fair and square, campaigned with my true identity without the help of big people or even criticizing people. But I lost. But I won something. I won my votes fairly. And the fact that my batch supports me 100% makes me very proud of my batch. I won my friends heart, they believe in me. I’m so lucky to have them. although I lost( with a person who got boo when he was announce), knowing that my batch supports me n that there are people out there that still supports me, makes me feel so lucky. That’s the indirect win for me, which I think is better than winning with thinking even my batch does not support me. Just be yourself without portraying what you are not and fight fair and square. You’ll feel a lot better that way. But if you had won, it is twice the happiness. I felt this way when I won the debate SBP North Zone (not to brag but to give you an example). My team had the indirect challenge from the coaches. They in a way said that we could not win by saying “it’s okay to lose” although we always aim to win. My team and I improved ourselves (although it is not enough).We worked twice as hard. People say practice makes perfect, so, we practiced, a lot. And then god shall give you what you have earned. So, we won. But there are still holes here and there, therefore we will never stop practicing and improve ourselves until there is nothing can be improved. The bottom line is, the direct winning is the best you can have, but it needs a practical way to really feel proud about it and although you won, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you should stop improving. And for those who lost in anything out there, if you had done your best with a clean sheet, you had won something (think about it) and god has something bigger for you in the future. God works in mysterious ways. “Never give up, be strong and always believe In Yourself”

To Be Updated………………………………

The Promise

Saying a promise is a very easy thing. Keeping or holding to that promise is one of the hardest thing to do (depending on what is the promise). The greatest man alive once said “the heaviest thing to carry is responsibility” n a promise is a responsibility. If you promise to your parents to study very hard, but in the end you don’t. It’s a crime, a crime to you. you not only lied to your mother but most importantly, yourself. Lying to yourself is one thing but most importantly, you defeated the purpose of having a promise which is to do something good or to improve yourself. You failed. The benefit is lost. Zero for you. The one who hold or keep their promise has a bright future ahead for himself/herself and others that is related to him. To keep to that promise isn’t easy, you need commitment. Let’s say you promise yourself to build a sky scraper, but if you don’t do anything, that building won’t come rolling to you. You need to do something in order for it to happen, and that is called commitment and handwork. The 2 most important values that is needed to be learn. The real reason on why I’m writing this is because i made a promise to myself, teachers, n coaches, that i will improve myself. the two big things that i need to improve is my English and my knowledge (facts). And i promise to myself to read a book or novel once a month (not a small book) and this blog and the ones who read this is my witness that i will do that. And the ones who read this, i want your help to always make sure i will take the promise i made seriously. I WILL HOLD ON TO THIS PROMISE …………………..

The Real World of Db8

I am a debater. And I’m proud of it. After going for a few competitions, many things came to my mind abou things in debate that can be applied in the real life and some times have similarities in life. Firstly, the world is very hard. Why, well, i can see that to win something, or to have something, A lot of effort is needed and some times you might be tense and some times, it doesn’t end up like what you want it to be. In my years of being a debater, we slept at 1 or even 2 just to memorize our text and finishing it. It’s hard, very hard. And what disappoints me is that we didn’t win. But we tried our best. that will also be applied in our life, we need to have effort to do something, even if we have to sleep late at night, we have to because even though we lost or not having what we want, we know that we have done our best and we will feel better about it, and that is what we need in life, not just luck. Secondly, winning or losing is part of the game. We can see that not everyone will win. Normally the best will win. So, if we loose, don’t feel bad. That is why we need effort to make us feel better as we have done our best. So, in order to win, we must be the best. When we loose, there must be why, normally it’s because we lack something’s, we must have a feedback and see what is wrong. Improve on your weakness. And some day, you will win. Loosing is just a learning point. And winning is just a prize. The experience and the knowledge that you have or learn is the real prize. Next, is on the life that is reality but should not even be in this world which is bias. In life, not everything is fair and the way you want it. Sometimes, you maybe the best but you still lose are some times because of bias. You do your job very well, but maybe because of the judge don’t like you or like the other people more, you’ll lose. That is true fact. These things cannot be changed. I had this situation, and it isn’t nice at all. But what to do complains we made, but were not taken. It’s life. But, find ways to take back what you deserve. There is always a new chance. The next time the competition, if the bias judge is still there, what to do. What is important is you know that you should win. and again, it’s not about the prize, it’s about the knowledge and other important things, winning is just a bonus. (to be continue) well, the reason why I wrote this is because, an old boy of MCKK, abg raf(rafizi) taught me that he trained us not because of he wants to win, but, to prepare to the outside world, to make us success in the real world (and a lot more ) and winning is just bonus. (To be continue )

My Form 2 LIFE

My Form 2 LIFE

My life as a form 2 started well, i went to a new place(New Hostel). I picked a bed under a fan.It was cool. I had a good bedmate(Zam). I also had a good dormate who were very friendly and kind.At class, i sat in front with two gentleboys. It all looks like a very bright beginning at that time. I was good, hardworking and many more at that time. It lowers(not completely) my attention of getting out of that school(MCKK)….My routin for that time was, at morning, I will go to class early, have snack during recess, and went back to hostel after the school ends.After that, i will have my lunch(which until now the food taste like crap).Then i’ll pray and go to prep(go to class & supposed to study but i don’t).After that, I’ll go back to my hostel, pray and play sport.At night, i’ll pray and go to prep.After prep, I’ll go back to my hostel, pray and go to bed before the curfew(11.30).That is my routin at the beginning of the year.After sometime, I learned to be brave, independent and soon, basicly about life.I day, my prefect decided to make an election for my batch’s community.The election was done at night and about 20 people wasn’t there(the band members).That wasn’t the only slacks that happened that night. Well, the other day, I discussed with a friend of mine and tought of to make a reelection.A better one.and on that Saturday, my prefect’s(Anif,Amir,Akmal,Zuhairy, Rashad) announced who’s our batch community. The President is Imran, the secretary is Shahir, the tresurer is Amar Aizat. The ajk’s are Arip,Safuan , Idzri, Hafriz and Ikhwan. Well, for me and more of other guys aren’t satisfied actually.our Prefect’s said that there will not be any reelection. But me and my friend will not let our disatisfaction go like that just because our Prefect’s said that. Me and my friend are just the one who are brave enough to make a reelection while the other’s just said "what to do", and afraid to join me and my friend. So, on that day, we went to town. We made reelection paper work. We put on a few reason’s. 1st, not enough voters, 2nd, not enough time to think who is the best person and so on(cannot remember). The next day, we sent it to our Prefect.Well, we did nit gave it hand by hand because we were afraid, we just slip it under his door. We waited for a reply but non came to us. So, we made a decision to take charge. We go and take names on who agrees with us. A lot agreed but few are brave enough to put their names. That sunday night, a chaos happen, a very huge debate between us and those who didn’t ageed.the people who agreed did not support us because they are afraid. Well, at that time i could rebut all their poits but i realise that it was getting noisier and other people were looking at our block.So, me and my friend ran away.Many hated us at that time. sec, min, hours, days, and weeks past by waiting for an answer from my prefect.That was a difficult time being hated and so on. After a week, people stop hating us and so on. We still waited for a reply from our Prefect. one night, the Prefect called us. We went to his room. We discuss , some he agrees and some don’t. At the end, he diceded not to make the reelection.What to do. He told us to help this batch community. We only hope for the best for my batch.enough with the reelection.back to my life. Well, i changed after a few month, I slept late, I odered food at night, i escaped prep and so on.. So people don’t know. Well, all of that were actually fine to me accept for the part where i got very lazy. I was o.k at that time. but as the time past by, more problems occur to me and it’s also the result of my doings.some problem i can’t solve. I handle this problem step by step until the end of the school year. That’s basicly what my Form 2 life is made of. It’s not full it’s only what i remembered now, i’ll insert more things as time comes by.overall my form 2 life taste sweet,sour and salty.

Raya gets boring……..

Well, basicly raya is a celebration celebrated by muslims to celebrate one month of fasting. In the fasting month(ramadhan) we must control all our intension on bad stuff from the small stuff like lying & spitkkoljiujhmnuuuuting to the big stuffs like

doing sex, & lots more. When we’ve got contol of our badness, we’ve contol the devil.. the devil cannot and will not whisper on our ears to do bad stuffs again….

And than is why raya in the 1st day of Syawal, we celebrate our acheivement

which is strenghten our iman.Well, basicly on this day childrens will get money(duit raya), many kind of cookies will be served, ketupat and rendang is prepare, and people will go and visit their relatives and friends to celebrate their achivement together…

That is about What raya is all about, but what i really want to write is about my experience from being a boy to a teenage of how Hari Raya Aidilfitri gets more boring as my age increses. well, during childhood, Raya is one of the day i’m waiting for my whole life.Why?well, firstly, to collect money.second, to collect money. third, to collect money.and fourth is to taste lots and lots of biscuits.fifth, to taste rendang and ketupat.sixth, is to play bunga api and fireworks and the list goes on and on.

well, as i grow bigger, taller, more handsome , wiser and more, Raya gets boring.Why/ well b’coz i’ll get less money as people will think that i have my own money, i’m not a kid and i don’t need their money. well, this is wrong b’coz firstly, i don’t have any money, i’m not working yet. the part where i’m not a kid is right but the part where i don’t need their money is 100% wrong, i need their money because who else will give me money to save, my parents only give them when i really2 need them.there is no joy in raya if your not getting any money right?

The secont thing that makes hari raya more boring is eating the same cookies/food every year. well, basicly in year, you will taste all the cookies/food you see, and the next year you’ll taste them again and after a few years of tasting them over and over again, you’ll get bored with the same food.

Thirdly, well, during old times , bunga api is something interesting. a stick that has a very extrodinary fire/light on it’s end and we could play with it. sounds fun for children. but for grown ups, it’s something stupid and boring to do.A stick with light.Boring……and as we play it over and over againd each hari raya, it gets more boring…

that’s all for now. eventhough there are lots more things that get more boring every Raya, that’s all. hope you’re not having the same experience as me during Raya.

people change

People will change, at any circumstanceS, even though they trY very hard not to change, they will still change b’coz it’s what the world brought us to. The question is, either we chAnge for better good or for the bad. during our teenage life is when me mostly change b’coz adolescence is the time when we experimenting on new things and soon(checK on a dictionary for the word adolescence).well, most people don’t realize they’re changing , it’s up to the friends to tell them they are changing, either for good or for bad. If they are changing into a good person, thank god. If it Is otherwise, people surrounding should give an advice and hope for them to change. Well, people change b’coz of their surrounding that influences them. If they are in a good surrounding, he/ she will be good, same goes with otherwise. So, pick your friends, surrounding carefully. It’s up to you who u wants to be with. Well, some bad people want to be bad, they pick a bad surRounding and bad friends. For these people advice is not enough. Motivation and so on is needed but the most important is they themselves. Think of your family and future, is it worth it of being bad if your future and family isn’t good. I’m writing all of these b’coz I saw all of these changes in my friends, some I’ve advice , some listen, some don’t. They go doing all of these bad stuff without thinking of the circumstances. An example would be a friends of mine, last year he hated all of these bad things, the bad habit between a friend but this year he change and liked these things, and even worst he also does it with his friend. Think about it, what’s the point of doing all that is it worth it, what’s the point of not being normal, good, and having liked future. THINK ABOUT IT

Monday, June 8, 2009


this is the new version of my blog . Transferred it from friendster to here due to blogspot is more famous for it's blog. Sorry friendster. ENJOY my new blog