This post is called balancing the shit for a
reason, its because i'm sorting out where i'm heading in my life and all.. and
life is full of shit, so what do u do, you make fertilisers ( tht sounded
cooler in my brain.. haha ). So if you've read my previous post u've known the
first shit i overcame and where basicly i am now or technically where i am
then.. so lets start with the serious thing first then only the fun part which
i know some of u are dying to know ( so tht u'll die of boredom then only u'll
come back alive, like a vampire, which is cool :) haha ). So lets start making
fertilizers ( still sounded cool in my head tho ).
Keep Calm & Pass ACCA ( Part 1 )
If you're taking ACCA, you'd know that you shouldn't keep calm, or better understood as that you'll panic anyways. You'll panic when you plan what papers to take, you'll panic when you're executing your plan, panic some more when the exam is near, and of course, you'll panic when the result is out.. You can keep calm, but at the expense of you wished you've had panicked as the results are out.. Well, why did I take ACCA in the first place? Let us recap and perhaps my reasons are the same of yours.. First of all, I was at a low point in my life that I need something big and full of hope that could pull me out of that misery and bring me to where I wanna go in life. And ACCA provided me with that hope, the hope that I can attain enough knowledge and skills to make me a person, a person respected with success to back it up and of course, rich, rich with principles, pride, and values that is respected by all..
The platform is there, the believe is
there, so, what comes next, the execution.. The hardest and the main stage of
the long journey.. The real knowledge that is valuable to you is not so much the
ones you attain from text books or any other same sort of knowledge, the most
valuable knowledge is the process or the way you attain those knowledge.. It
separates you from the others.. Why? Because any other human being can read a
text book but not all can study or grasp the knowledge the way that you do..
The hardwork, the determination, pushing yourself to the limits, and using your
thinking brain to get you through, all of that can't be found in text books and
that are exactly what separates you from any other people.. There may be those
who are lazy and still scores but they'll get a huge slap in the face once
they're out there in the real world.. So, differentiate yourself from them and
any other people, and make that differences count.. And make that difference
now, it’s now or never ( well, not as in really now, as soon as you finish
reading this post.. hehe )
Well, words are easy to throw and make
it sound good, but we all know it’s not easy, and it shouldn't be bcos the
challenge will make you stronger.. now
let’s hear or more precisely read on my side of the journey, on the shits I
came across and how balancing the shits, is really shitty but it can still make
a seed grow with the nutrition it needs..
have an extra huge ambition and I wanna get there and I hold this one principle
that makes me having such an ambition, a relevant thing to do..
for the stars and if you don't grab them at least you are on top of the
world" ( made known from school library and made cool by Pitbull )
Well, I wanted to differentiate myself
from others by studying smart and hard.. bcos that is what is required of you
when you study this shit, the dedication to study and study some more is very
much needed out of you to get through the papers and I assure you that it
requires A LOT of dedication.. And that same particular dedication that you
train now will be beneficial in the real life.. I spent most of my time in the
library and I’m starting to think it’s more than the time I spent at home..
Went to the library straight away after class till dinner and if it’s near the
exams, I’ll go back there again after dinner.. Study everything I could yet
it’s never enough, the time isn’t enough, and your brain capacity isn’t
enough.. Yet, I kept pushing myself to the limits as tired as I may be and as
stressful and boring and draining and boring some more because I wanna succeed
and be better.. And the value of my time depends on it because if I fail,
another huge amount of my time will be spent on studying some more.. So I study
and study some more to get out of this shit faster.. But one this is missing,
where do you put your friends and your social life which are equally as
important as studying when you are dedicated to books and papers.. And if you
opt for life it can be at the expense of failing the paper and failing your
future, it’s that kind of dedication.. I’ve been missing my friends and hope
for a better life.. I didn't get to play futsal or the video game or just hang
around and make small talks with my friend bcos I had to study.. tThe fun time
and times with friends and families gets smaller as the subjects gets tougher..
I took an extra of one paper for this semester while the normal one was already
tough and it sure did put an extra burden on me.. The stress sometimes isn’t
bare able..
Sometimes i wish I have enough energy to go upstairs to my friends
and laugh yet I was too tired to get up.. my friends may or may not understand
and I don't even expect that they
would understand but even so, I still needed to be with them, to socialize, to have fun and make a good tie with someone you could count on someday because that is part of a good upbringing.. I want to have a normal life that study isn’t everything but this is the path I choose so how can I get both.. And now how do you balance your shits when it’s all jumbled up and can't be balanced.. The horror, the misery.. Well, you just don't balance it up bcos you can't.. you just maximise every single opportunity you can get to get the full use of both and constantly finding the correct ratio of balance when there is actually no real ratio for it.. Try and try again though you know there's no ending to it.. It drains you, it makes you stress, you're allowed to go crazy for a bit, but you just get up and try again.. That craziness in life can't be help but it produces a great return.. And if we can relate it to my previous post, your believe in what you can do is very much important.. That’s the power..
would understand but even so, I still needed to be with them, to socialize, to have fun and make a good tie with someone you could count on someday because that is part of a good upbringing.. I want to have a normal life that study isn’t everything but this is the path I choose so how can I get both.. And now how do you balance your shits when it’s all jumbled up and can't be balanced.. The horror, the misery.. Well, you just don't balance it up bcos you can't.. you just maximise every single opportunity you can get to get the full use of both and constantly finding the correct ratio of balance when there is actually no real ratio for it.. Try and try again though you know there's no ending to it.. It drains you, it makes you stress, you're allowed to go crazy for a bit, but you just get up and try again.. That craziness in life can't be help but it produces a great return.. And if we can relate it to my previous post, your believe in what you can do is very much important.. That’s the power..
What’s the point of doing the
balancing if you know it can't be balanced.. Well, if you remembered me saying
earlier, the true knowledge is the one you attain as you seek the knowledge..
Tricky and confusing as it may sound but that’s the formula.. As you do your
balance sheet even if you know that it will not balance, you just keep on doing
it as there are points there somewhere and that little point can mean a lot..
So, as you try and try again, you keep on learning and attain a better
knowledge every time.. And that continuous process makes you grow and it should
never stop.. So, every time you see something that could stop you, don't stop
soo easily cos for all you know you'll pass and if not, at least you'll get
something out of it.. So don't stop believing.. That is the way to be better,
and with uncertainty being the only certain thing about the future, we need to
constantly learn and be better.. It’s very draining to think of it.. But think
of this, think of the sweetness of victory, the sweetness when you achieve
something you want, the sweetness of passing, the sweetness of being above the
rest, the sweetness of a better pay better food and house.. In my case, the
sweetness when passing the papers, the joy of opening it with your friends and
knowing your friends pass the papers too.. Then the celebrating part tastes
good too when you and your friends go for a treat and it tastes better
especially when your parents treat you to a good food.. That is how sweet it
can be and that is just passing the papers, imagine the sweetness once
you’ve succeed and be where you wanna be.. That sweetness achieved later with sweating now.. and the worst case scenario that you don't get to taste that sweetness later, you will be rewarded in the life after bcos god is fair, god will serve you with what is due of your effort as god too ask of you to seek knowledge to make better of yourself.. So now is the time, now is the time to make the difference and never stop doing so, because you should know that you can do it bcos you can and know what awaits you in the end.. Believe in it and it will set you free to go to whatever distance u wanna go..

out there with a far worst luck than you has but they are way further than you
are.. Start doing yourself some justice that you very much deserve.. life may suck or won't go as easy as you hoped but thats exactly that will make you stronger.. once you've overcome your obstacle and do what you must, you are on your way to your dream.. So, go and
make fertilisers ( shits = fertilisers )
you’ve succeed and be where you wanna be.. That sweetness achieved later with sweating now.. and the worst case scenario that you don't get to taste that sweetness later, you will be rewarded in the life after bcos god is fair, god will serve you with what is due of your effort as god too ask of you to seek knowledge to make better of yourself.. So now is the time, now is the time to make the difference and never stop doing so, because you should know that you can do it bcos you can and know what awaits you in the end.. Believe in it and it will set you free to go to whatever distance u wanna go..
post is about the struggle, stay tune for the fun stuff in my upcoming posts :)